Beba Igre za bebe 30. kolovoza 2016.

Foto: Uspavana beba postala zvijezda društvenih mreža

Foto: Instagram/lauraiz
klokanica postala

Mama fotografkinja iz Los Angelesa Laura Izumikawa Choi cijeli dan i noć je gledala svoju malu kćer Joey Marie dok nije došla na odličnu ideju. Četveromjesečna beba tako je postala princeza Leia, Slash, Beyonce, Sia, ali i viking i Han Solo

Uspavljivanje bebe zna biti zahtjevno. Ali jednom kad beba zaspi i gledate te male obraščiće, znate da se isplatilo. Makar trajalo i sat vremena. Mama Laura Izumikawa Choi iskorištava vrijeme kad njena četveromjesečna kćer Joey Marie spava kako bi napravila preslatke fotografije koje će joj biti predivna uspomena kad odraste.

Od Pokemona do Ratova zvijezda, Joey je bila i Slash, sushi majstor, sirena, viking... Mama iz Los Angelesa je fotografkinja i kaže da je brzo shvatila da metoda "spavaj kad beba spava", kod nje nije prolazila. “Na kraju sam zurila u njeno lice cijeli dan i noć koliko sam bila zaljubljena. Joey je čvrsto spavala pa sam pomislila kako bi bilo zabavno dodati nekoliko rekvizita i poslati smiješne fotografije našim roditeljima. Bio je to način proslave njenog rasta i napretka", rekla je Laura za The Huffington Post

Ubrzo je Joey postala veliki hit i sad mama i beba imaju skoro 300 000 sljedbenika...

Our friend has superpowers, and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind. #StrangerThings #eleven

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But I'm your father, so join me maybe. #starwars

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

If I were a DJ, my name would be DJ Enzyme because I'm always breaking it down. #Skrillex

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Joey dreams of sushi 🍣

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

🎶Go on and kiss the girl🎶😚 #littlemermaid

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

If you work out like a viking, you'll be Thor in the morning.

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

That awkward cheerleader who always brings the best snacks to practice. 🍩🍪🍖 #NBAdraft

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Didn't have a chandelier but I did find a wig. 👩🏼🎤#Sia

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Sha na na na na na na na knees knees 🎩🔫🌹 #gunsnroses #notinthislifetime

A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

Behind the shot: We didn't get to see the #VMAs last night but I'm pretty sure the red carpet was no joke. Whenever I think of iconic red carpet looks, this one of Bjork always comes to mind. Grandma bought Joey this vest a few months ago so I thought I'd give it a go. Tried really hard not to laugh at this one though. Hope @bjork sees this! If you don't know who she is, SHAME! Haha jk. | On a side note, thank you so much for all of your kind messages all weekend. I tried to spend an hour replying back to everyone but I didn't even make a dent in my inbox. So sorry! Please know that we are so incredibly grateful to you especially those who have shared with me your personal stories and have given me encouraging words. They are GOLD to me. God bless you! | Credit: Joey's bow is from @alittleladyshop, ocean sounds are from @Spotify and photo/video shot on iPhone 6s

A video posted by Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz) on

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