Roditelji Sretna mama 11. prosinca 2022.

Izgleda poznato? Svakodnevni roditeljski problemi u slikama

Foto: Instagram/averageparentproblems
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Blogerica Ilana Wiles, majka dvoje djece, na Instagram profilu objavljuje fotografije djece iz svakodnevnog života. Djeca plaču, stvari su razbacane, ne žele sjediti kada bi trebali. Uz duhovite komentare ova fotogalerija sigurno će vas nasmijati, možda i podsjetiti na vaše obiteljske situacije

Good luck convincing them to sit still for shots now! #averageparentproblems photo: @annemchogan

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

This is why microwaves were invented. #averageparentproblems photo: @foxfamilyjax

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

This includes going to the bathroom. #averageparentproblems photo: @realbeerwife

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

It's not a celebration unless it requires a bath. Happy 4th everyone! #averageparentproblems photo: @beckandthebirdie

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

What's the opposite of the ❤️ emoji? #averageparentproblems photo: @heidivernier

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

This is why hoses were invented. #averageparentproblems photo: @samanthapierson

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

It's kinda punk rock, don't you think? #averageparentproblems photo: @aliylujah

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

And yet, he won't eat anything you put on the table. #averageparentproblems photo: @greysonlorang

A photo posted by Ilana Wiles (@averageparentproblems) on

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